GClip for Glock Trigger Safety
Product no.: BU-80355
Delivery time: 1-3 day(s)
GClip for Glock trigger safety, Gen 3-5
extends the possibilities for transport and guiding
GClip for Glock trigger safety, Gen 3-5
- Innovative trigger safety tool for pistols caliber 9 mm and .40 mm
- unique worldwide
- intuitively applicable
- increases safety when handling and expands the possibilities of transporting and carrying firearms
- more weapon types and colors on request
- Colors: black or yellow
made in Germany
- Suitable for Gen 3/4 / Glock models:
- 17/19/19x/20/22/23/25/26/29/30/31/32/34/36/38/40/41/42/44
the built-in Glock is not part of the offer-illustration only
Manufacturer information
Manufacturer:Bullman TacticalLondonstrasse 8BULLMANN tactical GmbH91074 HerzogenaurachGermany